Sunday, May 31, 2009



I've used this and it works. It takes a couple of times but since I have dogs I like it alot more than the expensive poisons that I use to buy to spray in my back yard.
Weed Killer Recipe
1 Gallon of Vinegar
13 oz of plain table salt
4 oz lemon juice
1 Tbsp dish detergeant
Remove 1 cup of vinegar to be able to mix the other ingredients in. Shake and put in a spray bottle and you'll have enough for the whole summer unless you have lots of weeds or a big yard.

Go to and click on the items (it's a game) but until 6/6/09 they are offering lots of 20 and 30% off coupons.

Happy Shopping

Until Next time

I'm not easily surprised as I usually get information out of someone in the family, when some thing's going on.
However, my in-laws, daughter, husband and my closest friends were able to pull it off.
Pull off what you say? My 50th birthday was on 5/11, it came and went like any other day, so I figured good ridden.

Almost two weeks after, I get invited to a BBQ at my brother in law's thinking nothing of it, and since we hadn't been out in a while and not working, I rarely get to dress up anymore. So I decided to get dressed up and head to this BBQ, need I tell you, they actually pulled off a surprise party.

But go figure, guess who wasn't there? No one from my family. Hence "I stopped trying".

Getting along with your family members is hard, but you would think as you get older, everyone would mellow out a little more and try to get along especially when your family is getting smaller and smaller. Instead it seems to get worse. So upon turning 50, I decided I'm too old for this shit and I choose to no longer work at it. Just like my birthday, good ridden!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009



A few weeks ago I received an invite to "How to make more money on the Internet", with a free dinner and an MP3 Player.

Normally I just toss these out because as we know IF IT SEEMS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE, THEN IT IS. But since I am trying to launch my web gift business, I thought what do I have to lose?

So off we go. We did get the free dinner, which turned out to be lunch. A sandwich, pickle and a piece of cake. Free MP3 that looks like a little plastic toy. Okay, so far we got the the free stuff, the speech, and then here it comes. The sale. $ 38.00 dollars to carry the Internet web site that you don't quite have yet. Then comes the big shocker. We will sell you the program that will give you all this business for only $3700.00 dollars. I almost fell off my chair and all I could think of is I want to get the hell out of there.

In the meantime my silent partner purchases this $38.00 dollar deal which now gets you a website that you don't know what you are going to sell on there yet and 7 hour workshop in two weeks to give you all the tools you need.

Well now that you paid $38.00, you can't help but go and find out what else do they have to offer, or better yet bullshit you about.

As we sit in this new workshop, within 15 minutes they throw another bomb at you. If you think $3700.00 dollars wasn't bad enough we have yet a better offer. Almost $6000.00 dollars will buy you the best program bla bla bla. Are u fricking kidding me? At this point I'm hyperventilating and want to get out of there so fast you can't imagine. Except you start to feel like you're in jail, they have a speaker or two at each exit to make sure you don't leave. That's how they make you feel.

Don't get me wrong, there was some useful information, but if I had $6000.00 dollars I could do my own advertising and not need you. Needless to say at half way through the 7 hour ordeal we were let out for break, feeling like a prisoner I ran for the nearest exit looking behind me as if the dogs were coming. So next time you see one of these cards in the mail, destroy them as fast as you can and go buy your own lunch and MP3 player.

TODAY'S TIPS: Local Printable Coupons for an assortment of items. Just enter your zip code. Quick LinksGrocery Coupons Neighborhood Coupons Online Coupons

Free ice Cream at Wal-Mart all day on 5/30. Enjoy.

Until Next Time

Monday, May 18, 2009



Being out of work sucks for everyone all the way around.
I mentioned a while back about how men define their selves by their jobs etc, and I'm sure lots of women do also in higher positions. ( I don't want to leave anyone out).

However, after the shock wore off about not having a job, the next thing I thought about that day while sitting in my driveway crying and looking at my business work attire. Oh my God, I won't be able to give away my clothes to charity anymore, or to friends in need!!!

Why bring this up now? Well the other that effected me this weekend was the US post office collection for food for the needy that is done every year. You know, they leave a card in the mail with a date for pick up and you leave it at your mail box. I have donated at least 2 full bags of food every year for almost 20 years and this year nothing. Yes, nothing. I FEEL SO HELPLESS. Because I guess that was one of my purposes, to be able to give.


On 5/30/09 Wal-Mart is offering 1 free scoop of ice cream to all visitors. Enjoy.

With graduations upon us and more birthdays, or whatever the occasion, instead of purchasing name tags for your gifts. Thanks to our array of digital pics. Make a list of all the ones that are coming up, choose their pictures, especially the embarrasing ones. (shrinking them of course to the size of gifts tags) then print as many as you can fit on 8 1/2 x 11 paper, (remember this is to save paper) cut them and either attach to that person's gift with tape, or punch a whole in the tag and insert a pretty ribbon and you have much cuter more personalized tag.

Until next time.

Friday, May 15, 2009



I've always pride myself on my personal hygiene, but it's extra nice when others comment on it. Then you really know others smell you, and either they like it or well, you don't smell so good.

The reason I mention this is because I had two different doctor's appointment this week (yeah I know, what a shock). Both doctors commented on how clean I always am during my visits, which made me think, wow, they must smell all kinds of people all day and I've realized this before however, this time I really thought about it long and hard. How awful it must be for them to have to put up with this all day and not be able to say anything.
So next time you go see that person that takes care of you. Spruce up a little.
As we are all short of money these day, we cannot purchase everything and or replace certain items we need. So my friends when I tell you to check out this site, you won't be sorry.
FREECYCLE.ORG. It's FREE!!! yes really free to sign up and free items for these crappy times.
You can post items you want to get rid of and don't want in the land fills, and also get some decent items that you just can't purchase at this time. I've seen roller skates, furniture, bushes, small things like 5lbs of crayons (got these myself for the grand kids) to filters for water system, brand new and still in the packaging mind you.
1-Mothers with more than one child, you know how fast they either outgrow everything, or just get bored with their toys. There's plenty to trade on this site or not trade at all. Well, I can go on and on about this site, but just check it out for yourself and sign up.
2-With all the new bed bugs scare being thrown out there. Tomorrow when you get up, don't make the bed. Take off the sheets and let it air out for the whole day to discourage these buggers. They love dust and moisture. If you just changed the sheets, take them off anyway, throw them in a hot dryer, and still let the mattress air out all day.
Until next time.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

OMG, I'M 50!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well folks, I turned 50 on Monday. I know, it's just a number. So I keep hearing. My body tells me otherwise.
It wasn't at all what I thought it would be, but then I guess it really is another day on the calendar.
My dream was to be in Tuscany at cooking school by 50, but as I now know dreams don't really come true. That's why they are called dreams, and I'm still really 50 and not 49.


This one is one of my very favorite Green Tips.
I'm sure you've all seen the Shamwow commercial and thought is this rag for real? Well, let me tell you. I purchased this probably about 10 years ago at a presentation in the middle of K-Mart, so of course I had to buy it. I cut it into probably 10x10 pcs. and kept using and using over and over. I just recently ran out of those pieces after all these years and began to panic, as I did not want to spend what everyone is charging these days for this miracle cloth versus what I paid at K-Mart when no one really knew how good it was.

Low and behold, who began to carry it a couple of months ago? My favorite store of course, COSTCO.
So of course I ran out after seeing it in the Costco Connection, but when I got to the store and saw that it was 28.00 I almost died. Months ago I would have thought nothing of it, but when you are no longer working it's a little more than you want to spend.
Then I realized you get 8 of the original orange one which are 20x24 and 8 of the smaller blue ones which are 15x15 which are more for your counters, sinks etc. and leaves no streaks.
Well now 28.oo plus tax doesn't seem so much anymore, because I forgot to mention a friend of mine got 2 of the large ones for 19.99 elsewhere.
If you also feel the price is a little steep, purchase the set with a friend or even 2 friends, there's allot in there, of which by cutting the large orange ones alone into 4's you will have 32 pieces of about 10 x 12. And believe me when I tell you, they last for ever.
If you don't have a Costco membership, I'm sure you know someone who does.
Now you're wondering how is this a GREEN TIP? I forgot to mention, I haven't bought paper towels in months. I use to buy the large Kirkland pack every few months.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Three years ago I lost my baby sister to cancer at the age of 31. However, because she had been living in Georgia for almost 11 years and didn't see her but maybe once a year, I've always felt like she wasn't really gone, and I really still don't.

My mother suddenly passed last year on her 66th birthday. I've always had trouble dealing with death from the time I was a little girl. I remember being about 7 and running to my mom one day crying telling her mom we are going to die. Do not know where it came from, but I remember it like it was yesterday. She couldn't understand where this came from and neither could I, but I know I was scared to death. No pun intended.

Well, this year obviously it was the first Mother's Day without mom, and even tho she's gone, I still don't feel like she's dead. I know I'm in denial, and I know I will be for a while. Why? Why is it so hard to let go, why can't I just accept it? How long will I still believe that my sister's in Georgia, and my mom still lives in her home? How do you deal?


Did you know that you can heal a bruise with white vinegar? Soak a cotton ball in vinegar and apply to the bruise for about an hour. It will also reduce the purple/blue coloring.

Soar throat remedy- fill a shot glass with honey and warm in the microwave for about 10 seconds. Then add 1/4 tsp of cinnamon to it, stir and drink. Do this about 3 times a day and you should feel the difference in about 2-3 days.

Until tomorrow!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What Was She Thinking?

I had to share this because I still can't believe the stupidity of some people.
We've all done it while driving. The mascara, the phone, the radio, eating, but putting on nail polish? Really??????????
My mother in law is going to a wake tomorrow for a person she doesn't even know. Why? Because this person was a biker as she, and to show solidarity and respect for a woman who died a senseless death. Why? Because someone was NOT THINKING.
It's that time of year where we all want pretty feet, and want to see pretty feet.
This sounds disgusting, however it works and you don't need to purchase anything. Because most of us already have this item in our medicine cabinet. Yes people vasoline. Gob a good layer on before bed, put on clean white cotton socks and you will wake up with the softest feet ever.
Want to remove calluses from your feet?
Smash aspirin with equal parts lemon juice and water. Apply to your feet like a paste and wrap in a hot towel. Cover with plastic and watch tv or read for 30 minutes. Remove after 30 minutes and file with pumice stone. Didn't all come off? Repeat, until you're satisfied.
Until Tomorrow

Sunday, May 3, 2009


My granddaughter Ashlee is now 5, however in this picture she was only a few months old and looking at her mother like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm pretending to be listening to you, would you take the picture already.
My daughter, her mother turned 30 a couple of days ago, and this is still how she looks at me when I'm trying to tell her something or make her understand. And the response? "I know mom" "I know". When do they begin to really listen?
Tips of the day:
Need to brighten up a small bathroom but low on funds.
Stroll through the discontinued wallpaper bin at your hardware store. You will find an array of pretty leftovers, where you can cut out the patterns, or forms in the paper and make your own pictures. Then with that leftover, you can line some small drawers that no one sees but you, and still look prettier than before.
Did you know that at you can download free and talk to anyone via computer at no charge. Plus instant message, conference calls and video chat if you have a web cam.
Until tomorrow.

Thursday, April 30, 2009



As I browse all my listings from every job site from the e-mails I get daily. My hands get tired, my mind begins to go to mush, and my spirits begin to break. You apply, and apply and apply and nothing. You know you're qualified, you know you can do it, but no calls. What do you do? Have you found that you're sleeping schedule no longer has a schedule, your daily routine becomes just that and the days begin to flow together.

The anger begins to set in, you're mad at your husband, your children, and even those poor little guys that have no idea what's going on (your pets). The only thing you realize is that they look at you and are like what is your problem? Quit yelling and me! As I do all day, because everyone gets in my way and I begin to feel like it's every one's fault.

I hate days like this. They make me feel powerless and useless, and all I can hope that tomorrow is a better day and I just keep pushing on and begin the process all over again.

Damn these ANGRY DAYS.


Save money on those fancy trays for seeding this season.
I saved my egg cartons from Costco for the last couple of months which hold 18 eggs and you can plant more seeds in these, or you can of course use regular dozen egg cartons.
I pierced a small hole with a pencil for drainage in each egg part of the container, then sliced the cover and put it underneath to act as a tray for when you water. I then filled the egg parts with dirt, used the pencil again to make a little well, and then dropped in the seeds. My first seedlings came up this week after just 10 days.
Happy Planting.

Until Tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009



After being in a company for the time I have, and I'm sure for most of you, you have lots of people you become close friends with, some not so close and some become part of your family. So you will understand once you are gone how hard it is adjusting to not seeing them everyday.

Although I see quite a few for our weekly lunches, you wonder how long this will last before they become a few and far in between. They say it happens to everyone. So far, so good. However, while lunching with my sister today, I happened to see some ex co-workers come in that I still speak with and yet it felt strange. You begin to feel like although you are still keeping in touch, you are not in touch. You know what I mean? It's so hard to separate yourself from something you were part of for some many years day in and day out. A place you called home for most of your waking hours.
Will it take a new job, will it take time and new people? I doubt it, but I do know "life goes on".

Today's Tips:

Short on pictures in the baby's room? Take that nice colorful blanket Grandma gave you, that you only used on special occasion, attach to a dowel from the hardware store for only 1-2 dollars, and a piece of double sided carpet tape, a piece of that fancy leftover ribbon you don't know what to do with and for under $5 dollars you have a new family heirloom on the wall.

We all have that second computer we use for small tasks, or for the kids to play games on right?
However, you still want to protect with an antivirus and don't want to pay for it. You can now go to FREE.AVG.COM and get a basic free antivirus program.

Until tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rocky came after Zeus. My middle child.

For those of you looking for work, beware.

Applied for a job this week where all the qualifications were a perfect match. Filled out a short questionnaire regarding personal stuff, and I happened to answer "yes" to having had carpel tunnel surgery, which happened to be one of the questions. Two days later I was told I wasn't a match. Should I have lied?

Need 250 free business or personal cards which you can design yourself? Go to and just pay shipping. They are really free. I ordered them myself.

If you are looking for sizeable amount coupons, has great coupons for everyday items we all use. While you're there check out the hundreds of quick everyday recipes that take 5 items or less to put on the table.

Until tomorrow.

Monday, April 27, 2009

"Now What"


Is he the cutest? Little Zeus thinks he's a person, and if you don't pay attention to him, this is what he does to make sure you do.

My three dogs are the only things that make me smile these days, and my grand children when I get to see them.

With so many of us out of work, am I the only one who isn't sure what my place in life is now? I know men identify themselves through their work, positions, titles etc.

Not saying that women do not. God Bless all the professional women out there and hurrah to them. However, that wasn't quite me, I worked out of necessity, and worked and worked like everyone else since I was 14.

Don't get me wrong I loved my last job for the last 17 years or so. Then it became worst than death.

I still know that my place is to be a wife to my husband, a mother and grandmother, but no longer someone else's slave. At almost 50 I want to do more, I want to leave a small mark, I want to be my own boss, I am willing to work the long hours I always have for someone else so it's not new to me. But for me, not for the man.

It's not because I'm almost 50, and we all feel mortality is near, it's just that after working for so many years, and no longer having that schedule you begin to think "now what"?

Today's tips:
I always love fresh flowers in the house, however those days are gone, and my garden isn't quite yet in full bloom for cutting. So while cleaning up the yard this weekend I found some really good branches that fell off the trees due to the storm, I placed them in a vase with a good silk flower and voila!

However, if you are having company and can afford a mixed bouquet. Get out your mason jars, your single flower vases, pretty empty oil bottles that are sitting in your pantry, baby food jars and make small arrangements on the table and in the bathroom or throughout the house.

Costco has beautiful mixed arrangements for 14.99, or you all know 24 roses for 12.99. I usually break these up and put them all over in small quantities.

By the way, I don't get paid to mention Costco, but you will notice I will mention it alot. I have shopped there since it opened 7 years ago and have never looked back. Some of my best tips will be from my Costco shopping experiences.

Until we speak again.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hi, and welcome to my blog.

Just a little short on why I am beginning this blog. Like everyone else I love saving money, and have always had an eye for sales, coupons, great deals etc. You get the jest of it.
However, when I lost my job in 2008, I became more of a researcher of good coupons, great deals, and money saving tips on how I was going to get my beauty products, i.e. lotions, creams, and makeup for either free or for alot less.
The only bad thing, I realized this takes a lot of time, which now I have lots of while looking for work. However, I realized others who are still working really don't have that kind of time to go from magazine to a sale paper, or a website to do this research. So I decided that while I have a little time, while looking for work I come across alot of interesting things on web and I would share with all of you.

As everyone is sharing lots of tips these days, you might see some that you already know or have heard of. So I hope that the ones you haven't will be helpful.

I will post an assortment of tips daily, and if you have any questions and or feedback please feel free to ask.

Here is the first for today: site is right now running a coupon for SunnyD for .55c. You can print just this coupon no strings attached, or sign up and receive updates on all new usable coupons.
