Wednesday, April 29, 2009



After being in a company for the time I have, and I'm sure for most of you, you have lots of people you become close friends with, some not so close and some become part of your family. So you will understand once you are gone how hard it is adjusting to not seeing them everyday.

Although I see quite a few for our weekly lunches, you wonder how long this will last before they become a few and far in between. They say it happens to everyone. So far, so good. However, while lunching with my sister today, I happened to see some ex co-workers come in that I still speak with and yet it felt strange. You begin to feel like although you are still keeping in touch, you are not in touch. You know what I mean? It's so hard to separate yourself from something you were part of for some many years day in and day out. A place you called home for most of your waking hours.
Will it take a new job, will it take time and new people? I doubt it, but I do know "life goes on".

Today's Tips:

Short on pictures in the baby's room? Take that nice colorful blanket Grandma gave you, that you only used on special occasion, attach to a dowel from the hardware store for only 1-2 dollars, and a piece of double sided carpet tape, a piece of that fancy leftover ribbon you don't know what to do with and for under $5 dollars you have a new family heirloom on the wall.

We all have that second computer we use for small tasks, or for the kids to play games on right?
However, you still want to protect with an antivirus and don't want to pay for it. You can now go to FREE.AVG.COM and get a basic free antivirus program.

Until tomorrow.

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