Sunday, May 31, 2009



I've used this and it works. It takes a couple of times but since I have dogs I like it alot more than the expensive poisons that I use to buy to spray in my back yard.
Weed Killer Recipe
1 Gallon of Vinegar
13 oz of plain table salt
4 oz lemon juice
1 Tbsp dish detergeant
Remove 1 cup of vinegar to be able to mix the other ingredients in. Shake and put in a spray bottle and you'll have enough for the whole summer unless you have lots of weeds or a big yard.

Go to and click on the items (it's a game) but until 6/6/09 they are offering lots of 20 and 30% off coupons.

Happy Shopping

Until Next time

I'm not easily surprised as I usually get information out of someone in the family, when some thing's going on.
However, my in-laws, daughter, husband and my closest friends were able to pull it off.
Pull off what you say? My 50th birthday was on 5/11, it came and went like any other day, so I figured good ridden.

Almost two weeks after, I get invited to a BBQ at my brother in law's thinking nothing of it, and since we hadn't been out in a while and not working, I rarely get to dress up anymore. So I decided to get dressed up and head to this BBQ, need I tell you, they actually pulled off a surprise party.

But go figure, guess who wasn't there? No one from my family. Hence "I stopped trying".

Getting along with your family members is hard, but you would think as you get older, everyone would mellow out a little more and try to get along especially when your family is getting smaller and smaller. Instead it seems to get worse. So upon turning 50, I decided I'm too old for this shit and I choose to no longer work at it. Just like my birthday, good ridden!!


  1. congratulations on your birthday and anfortryunately your family sounds still a lot nicer than the family that I was born in!

    loved the weed-killer-tip!
    This really works? it just sounds too good to be true! but yiou've tried it many times???

    here's a post that hopefully will cheer you up:

    have a nice weekend!
