Thursday, April 30, 2009



As I browse all my listings from every job site from the e-mails I get daily. My hands get tired, my mind begins to go to mush, and my spirits begin to break. You apply, and apply and apply and nothing. You know you're qualified, you know you can do it, but no calls. What do you do? Have you found that you're sleeping schedule no longer has a schedule, your daily routine becomes just that and the days begin to flow together.

The anger begins to set in, you're mad at your husband, your children, and even those poor little guys that have no idea what's going on (your pets). The only thing you realize is that they look at you and are like what is your problem? Quit yelling and me! As I do all day, because everyone gets in my way and I begin to feel like it's every one's fault.

I hate days like this. They make me feel powerless and useless, and all I can hope that tomorrow is a better day and I just keep pushing on and begin the process all over again.

Damn these ANGRY DAYS.


Save money on those fancy trays for seeding this season.
I saved my egg cartons from Costco for the last couple of months which hold 18 eggs and you can plant more seeds in these, or you can of course use regular dozen egg cartons.
I pierced a small hole with a pencil for drainage in each egg part of the container, then sliced the cover and put it underneath to act as a tray for when you water. I then filled the egg parts with dirt, used the pencil again to make a little well, and then dropped in the seeds. My first seedlings came up this week after just 10 days.
Happy Planting.

Until Tomorrow.

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