Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hi, and welcome to my blog.

Just a little short on why I am beginning this blog. Like everyone else I love saving money, and have always had an eye for sales, coupons, great deals etc. You get the jest of it.
However, when I lost my job in 2008, I became more of a researcher of good coupons, great deals, and money saving tips on how I was going to get my beauty products, i.e. lotions, creams, and makeup for either free or for alot less.
The only bad thing, I realized this takes a lot of time, which now I have lots of while looking for work. However, I realized others who are still working really don't have that kind of time to go from magazine to a sale paper, or a website to do this research. So I decided that while I have a little time, while looking for work I come across alot of interesting things on web and I would share with all of you.

As everyone is sharing lots of tips these days, you might see some that you already know or have heard of. So I hope that the ones you haven't will be helpful.

I will post an assortment of tips daily, and if you have any questions and or feedback please feel free to ask.

Here is the first for today: site is right now running a coupon for SunnyD for .55c. You can print just this coupon no strings attached, or sign up and receive updates on all new usable coupons.


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